On February 11th, Welcome to Plathville star, Max Kallschmidt, posted a YouTube video confirming that him and Moriah Plath had broken up. The two appeared together in the 2nd and 3rd season of Welcome to Plathville. While they temporarily broke up in season 2, they quickly got back together and things seemed to be going smooth in season 3. However, shortly after Welcome to Plathville season 3 concluded, the two suddenly stopped posting about each on social media. For months, rumors swirled that the two had broken up, until Max officially confirmed it. In the nearly 20-minute video titled, "My relationship with myself, my journey, my relationship with Moriah," Max explained that they broke up after he broke boundaries that him and Moriah had set. However, the majority of the video focused on him seeking professional help and working on bettering himself and finding peace through religion. Much of the video focused on him dealing with grudges he had held and finding the ability to let them go and forgive. Interestingly, he mentioned needing to forgive Moriah's brother and sister-in-law, Ethan and Olivia, raising the question of just what the two did to Max.

Ethan, Olivia, and Max In Welcome to Plathville
Due to Ethan and Olivia's no-contact with Ethan's parents, Kim and Barry, the two didn't meet Max until season 3 of Welcome to Plathville. Moriah and Max both displayed some nervousness about whether Ethan and Olivia would approve of Max. Things seemed to go well for the most part, besides a little bit of awkwardness when Ethan and Olivia mentioned their struggling marriage. However, Olivia did get a bit direct and indicated that she hadn't wanted to meet Max because he was in contact with Kim and Barry, when she wasn't. She also indicated that she didn't want to engage in any topic of conversation relating to Kim and Barry. Of course, that is a big demand to make when she is no-contact, but the others are not and certainly have a right to discuss the situation if they wish to. Despite the awkwardness, Max believed that the meeting went well. Ethan also commented that Moriah seemed happy and he hoped he and Olivia could be more like Max and Moriah in their relationship. The two couples continued to interact and even went on a camping trip together, which was also dragged down a bit by Ethan and Olivia's tension. The only other interaction was when Max butted heads a bit with Ethan and Olivia at Moriah's concert. When Kim and Barry showed up to the concert and Olivia wanted to leave, Max tried to reason with her that they were doing no harm and that Olivia was giving power to them by her reaction. However, hard feelings didn't seem to last as Moriah, Max, Ethan, and Olivia all adorably spent Halloween together.

What Did Max Say About Ethan & Olivia
On Welcome to Plathville, there seemed to be no real bad blood between Max and Ethan and Olivia, just a bit of awkwardness and difference in opinions. That's why Max's video was pretty surprising. To begin with, Max was describing his experience with a therapist who taught him how to deal with triggers. On the topic of triggers, he admitted that, "The first person that came to mind... was Olivia." He didn't explain why, but revealed that she was a person who triggered him and how he had to learn to let it go. He had to learn that he had to just let "that person" be who they are and that he was judging those people because he thought they were judging him. Max continued on to talk about how learned to forgive others and finally let go of his grudges and found peace. The only three people he specifically mentioned forgiving were Ethan, Olivia, and his brother. However, he did not go into detail about why he had to forgive them.
Did Ethan Slam Max On Social Media?
Max's video and Welcome to Plathville do very little to shed any light on what exactly went down between Max and Ethan & Olivia. However, on January 21, 2022, TV Shows Ace published an article titled, "Ethan Plath Calling Out Max Kallschmidt’s ‘BS’ On ‘Welcome To Plathville?" The article showed a now-deleted comment that Ethan allegedly made on Instagram. The comment was a reply to a fan's allegation that Max's relationship with Moriah was fake and was done in hopes of getting airtime. Ethan reportedly replied to the comment, "This is Dead on!! Thanks for seeing through his BS." While the comment has been deleted, a screenshot was taken of Ethan's comment, made under his Instagram username with a blue verified check. What he meant by that comment and why he deleted it are unknown. However, for him to openly comment on Max and Moriah's break-up before they had even confirmed it and to slam Max, shows that he doesn't feel too kindly towards his sister's boyfriend. Ethan has been one to let his anger get the best of him in the past, with him almost getting into a fist fight with his father and trying to hunt down Kim and her kids when they went to Moriah's concert.

What Caused The Max and Ethan & Olivia Feud?
With so little information, it is difficult to tell just what exactly caused this feud between Max and Ethan and Olivia. Is it just Ethan and Olivia being protective of Moriah as their little sister? Did Max take their protectiveness to offense? Or did Ethan and Olivia really disapprove of Max and believe his relationship with Moriah was fake? What is known is that Ethan and Olivia have gone no contact with Barry and Kim and have not hesitated at all to display anger and dislike towards the two. Thus, they could simply be being open about their feelings regarding Max. Since there was some indication that Max possibly cheated on Moriah, it wouldn't be surprising that the two have some harsh words for him. What still remains unexplained is why Max feels triggered by them and needs to forgive them. It hints at something potentially happening even before the break-up, for him to have such bad feelings regarding the two. Viewers can't deny that Olivia can be controlling and that her expectations for others to cater to her no-contact with Kim and Barry are unreasonable. There is a potential that Max being accepted by Kim and Barry caused some contention between the two. The two very obviously have different relationships with Kim and Barry, with Max revealing he even went to Kim for advice after his break-up with Moriah. Olivia and Max also seemed to disagree on how Olivia should react to Kim and Barry, and whether Kim and Barry should come up in conversation. If Max disagreed with Olivia's treatment of and reaction to Kim and Barry, it would be understandable for him to feel triggered by her and to feel that she was judging him for not doing what she was. As for Ethan, it is likely he was protecting Moriah and Olivia when slamming Max and resulted in Max feeling a need to forgive him for whatever other allegations Ethan made about him.

Family feuds aren't a wholly unheard of thing. However, it is surprising to learn that Ethan and Olivia have yet another feud on their hands after their decision to go no-contact with Kim and Barry. Of course, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing on either sides in Max and Ethan and Olivia's feud and it could all come down to mere drama. Max has opted out of appearing in Welcome to Plathville season 4 and indicated a desire to share his side of the story through his YouTube video. Whether Moriah, Ethan, and Olivia choose to share their side of the story in the series remains to be seen. Otherwise, it might remain a mystery what exactly happened between them all. Max definitely admitted to making mistakes in his relationship with Moriah, so Ethan and Olivia's anger could be justified. On the other hand, Ethan and Olivia have gone a little too far in their anger towards Kim and Barry and have occasionally come across as unhinged and controlling. With so many convoluted relationships and ideals in the Plath family, it is just a bit surprising, concerning, and interesting to hear another feud has arisen, but between non-family members this time.